50 Top Laravel Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

Eloquent is Laravel’s implementation of the Active Record pattern for working with databases. It provides an easy way to interact with your database using object-oriented syntax. In this example, the throttle middleware is being applied to the /user endpoint and is set to allow 60 requests per minute (60,1). https://wizardsdev.com/en/vacancy/senior-php-developer-laravel/ This means that if a client makes more than 60 requests to this endpoint within a minute, they will be blocked for a period of time before being allowed to make further requests. Laravel Vapor is a serverless deployment platform built specifically for Laravel applications and powered by AWS Lambda.

It is an interactive shell, accepting single user input, processing it, and returning the result to the client. Closures are anonymous methods in Laravel used as a callback function, and you can also use it as a parameter in a function. Laravel provides @yield for defining a section in a layout, getting the content from the child page, and submitting it to a master page.

How do you install Laravel via composer?

One of the most powerful feature of Laravel is its Service Container. It is created by Taylor Otwell and allows developers to write expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel comes with built-in support for user authentication and authorization which is missing in some most popular PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, and CakePHP.

php laravel developer interview questions

It’s typically used when retrieving models that have relationships with other models to avoid the N+1 query problem. The with() function can be used after the first command if data is being fetched from the database using only a single query. The function can help to improve the user experience as it minimizes the number of queries required to fetch results.

What are the pros and cons of Laravel?

Laravel’s queue system implements the Queue/Worker design pattern. It allows you to defer the processing of a time consuming task, such as sending an email, until a later time, thus speeding up web requests to your application. Eloquent ORM in Laravel provides an ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. Each database table has a corresponding “Model” that is used to interact with that table. Laravel Forge is a server management and deployment platform that automates the configuration of servers, allowing for easy deployment of Laravel applications.

For tech interview questions and answers, head to the Problems page. Laravel is a widely popular open-source PHP web application framework. It runs under the MIT license and was originally intended for web application development using the MVC architectural pattern. Laravel is an open-source PHP framework designed to make developing web apps faster and easier through its built-in features. It is these features that make Laravel so widely used by web developers.

What is the purpose of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Laravel?

It acts as an abstraction for the data layer, meaning there is no need to know how data persisted. Thus, the business logic depends on the repository for getting the right data. In simple words, it is used for decoupling the data access layers and the business logic in the application. Laravel provides the dd() function, allowing users to dump the content of variables to a browser and then stop the execution of the further script. The dd stands for the dump and dies, and it first dumps a variable or object and kills (die) the execution of the script. If you want, you can easily isolate this function in a reusable function file or a class.

php laravel developer interview questions

To choose the right candidate for your team, you should compare their responses using our sample answers to the advanced Laravel interview questions. This process will ensure you hire a professional who has plenty of experience with and knowledge of Laravel. It provides many useful commands that support the development process. The MVC framework offers many benefits, such as code reusability, scalability, the ability to handle large amounts of data, and easier testing.

What is Laravel Cashier and what is it used for?

Validation is the most important thing while designing an application. It uses ValidatesRequests trait which provides a convenient method to authenticate incoming HTTP requests with powerful validation rules. This is another important question in Laravel interview questions for 5 years of experience.

php laravel developer interview questions

In Laravel, @yield is principally used to define a section in a layout and is constantly used to get content from a child page unto a master page. Dependency injection is way to pass one obeject dependencies to another object.It is a broader form of inversion of control (IOC). Inversion of control is a design pattern that is used for decoupling components and layers of a system. Inversion of control(IOC) is implemented through injecting dependencies into a component when it is constructed.

Each database table has its Model, which used to interact with the table. These packages are used to increase the functionality of Laravel. A package can have views, configuration, migrations, routes, and tasks.

  • In the context of web applications, a controller acts as an intermediary between the model (data) and the view (presentation).
  • If developers are facing any kind of problem with artisan service in Laravel, the following steps should help to terminate the service.
  • When a record is soft deleted, a timestamp is added to the record’s deleted_at column instead of the record being entirely removed from the table.
  • To help your company meet these requests, candidates should understand basic functions in Laravel, like switching the application to maintenance mode.
  • The blade templates are stored in the /resources/view directory.

You can use the store method to store the file in a specified location or use the storeAs method to store it with a custom name. Laravel Vapor is a serverless deployment platform for Laravel, powered by AWS. It provides on-demand auto-scaling with zero server maintenance.

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