The ADA and Opioid Use Disorder: Combating Discrimination Against People in Treatment or Recovery

is addiction a disability

The rehab facility violated Title III of the ADA when it denied Alex admission based upon his medical assisted treatment. Regardless of whether the addiction to alcohol is current or in the past, it is generally considered a disability because it is an impairment eco sober house cost that affects brain and neurological functions. An employer can deny employment or terminate anyone actively using drugs. Employees who are using drugs or alcohol must meet the same standards of conduct and performance set forth for other employees.

Many veterans struggle with drug and alcohol abuse, frequently as a response to chronic pain or PTSD resulting from their time on duty. Like the SSA, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doesn’t award disability benefits for substance abuse disorders alone. To get disability compensation, you’ll have to show the VA that your substance abuse is related to another condition stemming from your service. So far, this factsheet has focused on people who have an addiction to alcohol or people who are in recovery from the illegal use of drugs. Generally, people can’t currently be engaged in the illegal use of drugs to be protected by the ADA.

Drug Interactions and Complications

If Drug Addiction is deemed immaterial to your disability, it is possible that the SSA will grant your disability claim. If, however, the SSA finds that your addiction materially affects your disability, it will not grant your application for disability benefits. A pattern of drug use that causes significant problems or distress that includes three or more of the following symptoms, occurring at any time over a 12-month period will be considered addiction. Some of the more common addictions are alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, opiates (codeine, morphine, or heroin), amphetamine (“meth”), methadone, marijuana, caffeine, steroids, vicodin, and other prescription drugs. The ADA has a few points to guide their decision of whether or not an employee is a current substance abuser.

is addiction a disability

Additionally, people who struggle with mental health issues can use drugs or alcohol to “self-medicate” in the absence of regular medical treatment. Having a period of sobriety or abstinence is especially important in these claims, to give Social Security an idea of your mental health baseline without interference from drugs or alcohol. Questions about past addiction to illegal drugs or whether Lily participated in a rehabilitation program are prohibited.

ADA Amendments may Open the Door for Nicotine Addiction Claims

These rates are heavily influenced by the effects of some mental conditions combined with the frustrations of dealing with them and the need to cope. Chronic use may also lead to hepatotoxicity.92  Marijuana is also a well-known cause of workplace and motor vehicle accidents. Many addiction treatment facilities are well-equipped to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

The Americans with Disabilities Act authorizes the Department of Justice to provide technical

assistance to individuals and entities that have rights or responsibilities under the Act. This

document provides informal guidance to assist you in understanding the ADA and the

Department’s regulations. A town refuses to allow a treatment center for people with OUD to open after residents

complained that they did not want “those kind of people” in their area. The town may

violate the ADA if its refusal is because of the residents’ hostility towards people with OUD. A skilled nursing facility refuses to admit a patient with OUD because the patient takes

doctor-prescribed MOUD, and the facility prohibits any of its patients from taking MOUD. The facility’s exclusion of patients based on their OUD would violate the ADA.

  • Amputees are placed on an opioid infusion to manage pain post-surgery.
  • This does not violate the

    ADA because the dismissal was based on current illegal drug use.

  • For more information on receiving benefits for substance abuse disorders, see our articles on getting disability for alcoholism or SSDI and SSI benefits for drug addiction.
  • In Oregon, a police officer was fired in 2011 for driving an unmarked police car under the influence while off-duty.
  • Determining that the severity of an impairment would improve if DAA weren’t in the picture usually involves making an educated guess.
  • Employers are left with the sometimes delicate task of crafting a policy concerning outdoor smoking and monitoring the break schedules of employees who wish to smoke.

It is not possible at this point in time to receive Social Security Disability benefits based solely on Drug Addiction. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will not grant disability benefits to people with disabilities that have been caused or worsened by addiction. The ADA permits reasonable policies or procedures, including drug testing, designed to ensure

that individuals are not engaging in the illegal use of drugs.

Is Addiction a Disability Under the ADA?

Yes, Alex is a person with a disability (addiction) under the ADA because she is legally using a drug as prescribed for an underlying condition. However, if she takes more than prescribed (illegal use), she may not be covered under the ADA. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that was passed in 1990 by former President George H.W. Bush.

is addiction a disability

Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. Join the thousands of people that have called a treatment provider for rehab information. The opioid drip gives people control at the press of a button. They can release the opioid drug into their bloodstream via an IV.

Addiction as a Disability

They may have several questions about treatments, medications, and disability services. Contact a treatment provider today to inquire about various treatment plans. Examine your options for faith-based treatments, holistic-based treatments, and peer groups today. Explore the many ways rehab can help you restore your life to one of health and happiness. Generally, courts have held that alcohol addiction is a covered disability of ADA. Others courts have questioned this idea, and they have determined to take each situation under determination with the information that they have.

The first preclinical research on drug addiction focused on the phenomenon of reward. The experimental paradigm used was based on Skinner’s47  research on operant conditioning and reinforcement, whereby the consequences of a behavior increase the probability that the behavior will be repeated. Alcoholism is considered a disability under ADA since it often has a physical and mental impairment that limits a person’s major life activities. Workers with a history of alcoholism also receive protections from the ADA. The ADA is particularly considerate of workers who are working towards rehabilitation. Winning a claim for disability benefits based on a mental impairment when you also have a history of substance abuse can be challenging.

The fundamental ethical question about addiction is not how addicted persons can be treated or otherwise changed, but how a just society can make reasonable accommodations for addicted persons. But addicted people are not in the first place patients requiring treatment. They are in the first place fellow citizens who are legally and morally entitled to reasonable accommodations. For example, if you are addicted to alcohol and file for disability benefits as a result of having emphysema, the SSA will probably find that your alcohol addiction is immaterial to the condition of emphysema. That being the case, the alcohol addiction will not, in and of itself, prevent approval of your disability application. The application must, however, meet the requirements for emphysema under the SSA guidelines for disability.

Proposed ADA Title II Web and Mobile App Accessibility Rule Published

Make sure that you’re upfront with your doctor about your struggles with addiction. The SSA is aware that recovery isn’t easy, and won’t penalize you for any relapses so long as you’re honest with your medical providers. The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes that drug addiction or substance abuse can cause irreversible physical or mental conditions. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. This includes people with addiction to alcohol and people in recovery from opioid and substance use disorders. This is a very complex subject due to developing court cases.

If your condition would improve if you stopped using drugs or alcohol, you are unlikely to qualify for disability benefits. You only qualify if your impairment continues after stopping your drug use. Some people who have a disability are entitled to disability benefits. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) must determine that you have a disability, confirm medical evidence of your condition, and screen to determine whether or not your impairment would continue after stopping drug and alcohol use.

Medical assistance, in the form of other drugs to lessen withdrawal symptoms, may also be needed. Drug Addiction is usually chronic and the danger of relapse is high without ongoing medical and psychological support. These are only a quick skim of the rights an employer has when it comes to illegal drug use and their employees. Since ADA has allowance for different types of scenarios, this further complicates an already convoluted law. If you think your situation may be covered by ADA or you want to know your rights under the law, call us. ADA does not hinder employers from following federal laws and regulations such as the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

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